
Alpicks Treasures!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spring Cleaning?

I don't think so I just call it getting stuff done or it wont happen! I hear alot of people say "Sprain Cleaning" but if I say that then Spring will come and go. Since I am home hoping and praying that my job may come back or something will come up because I am getting desperate! I am trying to get stuff done. Today I started ripping out the shelf liner in the kitchen and replacing it with new. Contact paper is my friend, what handy stuff that is, my Mom uses to use it on everything so I had some laying around I figured I better use it. After 23 years the old stuff held up very well but was time to change. I finished the spare room (thank goodness) so here is what it looks like. I did not take before pictures because it was really bad and you could not even see the floor, so as of today I am hoping it will stay this way here is what it looks like.

I finished all my Valentines cards, now I have to address them and buy stamps and get them off. I was worried I would not get them finished so I started early, good thing. Since Hubby has PT 3 times a week in Pahrump I am not home alot.

Hope your Thursday is as great as mine, its raining out side and I am really enjoying it. So far my knee is holding out with all this dampness, that's a good thing. Enjoy!


Mary L. Briggs said...

Looks great! I've been trying to get some organization going to, but I've run out of containers, so I still have a few stacks to work through.

Hope you're having some nice weather. We'll be near 70 tomorrow! I know it won't last, but I'll enjoy it while it's here!

Small City Scenes said...

Looks good allison. I need to do some straightening up. And throwing stuff out or give to the thrift. I am glad your knee is behaving itself.

I have all my Valentines done too. I am getting a printer tomorrow so then I can print out all the addresses and then I will send them out. MB

Bill S. said...

Looks organized to me. I told my kids I was going to live here until I die and let them discover all the hidden things that I have lost over the 35 years of living here.

Unknown said...

You have been busy, looks good too! I want to re-organize the kitchen cabinets and give them a good cleaning, inside and out! I bet you feel more productive with the new look, that's how I feel anyways. Love your sweet layout here too, where was the header photo taken?